The Complete Resume, LinkedIn & Get Your Dream Job
- Get your dream job. This comprehensive complete career course is 12 hours, contains more than 250 lectures, 67 easy to complete exercises and 29 templates/other downloads to help you get your dream job!
- Build your perfect resume (using a format I have successfully used for more than 20 years).
- Interview better than anyone else (you will be able to answer ANY interview question and turn your weaknesses into strengths).
- Build your perfect LinkedIn profile (learn how to get more recruiters & employers to find you).
- Network better than anyone else so you can get your dream job (or even get customers etc).
- Goals: Know what your career goals are (no limits) through an optional goal setting workshop.
- Passion: Know how to figure out what career you are most passionate about so that it feels like you don’t have a job…you have a passion!
- Turn your ‘perceived’ weaknesses into strengths.
- Answer any question you have no idea how to answer.
- Know what to bring to the interview to increase your chances of getting hired (your competition will definitely not do this…). These interview exhibit secrets helped me change careers many times.
- Add structure to your answers and use frameworks that the interviewer will appreciate and understand.
- Know how to talk about your strengths in interviews so your answers are powerful, passionate, inspirational and right from the heart.
- Understand what you need to know about the company you are interviewing at. I will show you an easy way that Wall Street analysts use to research firms from a qualitative perspective, which will make you look awesome!
- Understand why relationships are always more important than product knowledge. You need to bond first with the interviewer and talk business later.
- Structure your delivery in an interview and understand how to use transition words and words that buy you time!
- Know what words to use and what words to never use.
- Understand how to read the interviewer to tell if you are doing well in the interview.
- Know when to stop talking and avoiding “over selling.”
- Answer questions a certain way that helps you know what question the interviewer will ask you next!
- Understand how to answer very tough questions (so that the actual interview will be easy for you)!
- Know how to help people you are interviewing with …and if you do (and I will explain how) then you have a HUGE chance of getting hired.
- Understand how to think like the interviewer, which will increase your chances of getting hired (and know what answers they want to hear).
- Use technology to help you prepare for the interview.
- Know how to deal with an aggressive interviewer (it’s only a test).
- Understand how to have positive body language in your interviews and what can hurt your chances of getting hired.
- Know what to wear to an interview as every company is different. In the course I provide you with great resources to help you find out what to wear to the interview
- Know from my work experience, why I have decided to hire and not to hire people after interviewing them.
- Understand how to interview with people at different seniority levels in a company. You can’t approach all interviews the same way; it all depends on the rank of the person you are interviewing with.
- Know what questions to ask in the interviews (and when to ask). You need to ask questions in interviews based on the seniority of the person interviewing you. I will provide many examples.
- Know what to do the morning of the interview (before the interview). You will have a thorough checklist ready and you will be more than ready for your interview!
- Know what to do IMMEDIATELY after the interview. These post interview tips will help you increase your chances of getting hired.
- Negotiate a higher salary. You got the job! Now What? Crucial advice on what to do now that you got the job, including negotiating your salary and why NOT quitting could be a good option…
- Know when to decline a job offer, how to respond to a rejection which can help you a lot in the long run and why interviewing is an incredible way to network even if you don’t get the job!
- Know what your goals are in life [Optional Goal Setting Workshop Section]. This section will change your life. We will set incredible goals and what your resume WILL look like in 10 years. We will follow through and make these goals a reality within 10 years.
- Understand what impactful words you should include on you resume. There are certain impactful words we must include on our resume. We will also talk about optimal job titles to use (if you started a club or work part time or if you don’t have an official title).
- Know what accomplishments to put on your resume. We will discuss how to list your top accomplishments on your resume. Plus there are definitely a few things that you have accomplished that you never thought of putting on your resume.
- Know exactly how to format your resume.
- How to create an unbelievable cover letter. We will talk about how to make an incredibly passionate, simple and effective cover letter.
- How to optimize your LinkedIn profile so that recruiters have an easier time finding your profile.
- How to embrace Search Engine Optimization (S.E.O.) the easy way. We will add more complexity to your LinkedIn profile as keywords help you rank higher in search rankings.
- How to add much more depth to your LinkedIn profile.
- Know what should be included in LinkedIn recommendations (if possible). What should be in recommendations? Keywords please for SEO (Search Engine Optimization)!
- Know how to add endorsements, which helps recruiters find you on LinkedIn and helps you with S.E.O. (Search Engine Optimization).
- Comprehend why to only take advice from successful people…and comment on their posts!
- Understand the secrets of getting recruiters to find you via “groups.” Recruiters, potential employers and potential customers will find you more easily if you are members of “groups”.
- Know what you should remove that is written online (and negative of course) about you and how can we do this so recruiters don’t see negative items when searching our names.
- How you can rank higher in Google search rankings.
- Get incredible networking meetings!
- Know when to follow up with contacts after a first meeting and the amazing and value added way to stay in touch.
- Network with your heart so you can “accidentally” receive 10x > than you give. You will find that if you give from your heart (without expecting anything in return), then you will receive much much much more in the long run. The most successful people are often givers.
- Network to reach all of your professional, education and personal goals! Let’s fill the gap between where we are now and where we want to be in 10 years! Let’s do this!!!!!!!!!!!
- Use networking strategies if you have no idea what you want to do. We will discuss ideas on how to find your calling, your passion and your career by analyzing those that have gone down different career paths that you are not sure you want to take yet.
- Switch careers using many strategies, including seeking advice from those that have changed careers and how to network and meet with them for guidance.
- This course is for anyone that is interested in getting their dream job and wants to learn how to create/optimize an incredible resume, LinkedIn profile, networking skills, interview skills and much more.
- This course is for anyone that is interested in learning the best interview skills from an award winning MBA professor that has interviewed 1000 people over the past 20 years (1 per week) and has successfully changed careers from consulting to Goldman Sachs to hedge funds to tech to venture capital etc.
- This course is for anyone that is interested in improving or creating an incredible resume.
- This course is for anyone that is interested in improving or creating an outstanding LinkedIn profile.
- This course is for anyone that is interested in learning how to network better than anyone else in order to get a job / change careers / do informational meetings or even to get customers.